Tuesday, April 3, 2007

On the Search for "The Big Daddy"

Occasion: "Big Daddy" Hunting
When: March 22, 2007
Location: Laguna beach
Party: Janelle & Jamie
Reason: Research Project for graduation

Janelle calls these little creatures, "Big Daddy".
It was funny to hear Janelle screaming,
"C'mon Big Daddy! Where are you?"
"There's Big Daddy!"

Live Documentation

I am "generally" afraid of animals, I didn't grow up with a pet. Me being a hopeless case, I tend to walk the other way when I see one. Even with the hermit crabs! It took me several tries to actually pick one up! Janelle was quite entertained by watching me TRY. When I successfully picked one up, I screamed out of joy and anxiety. When I saw one of it's long scrawny legs pop out of it's shell I dropped it immediately! I don't know why I was afriad of those little creatures (or any little creature for that matter). I am so much bigger than they are, how ironic?

Getting my fear over little Hermit Crabs

The Stand Natural Foods
(238 Thalia St. Orange County, CA, 949-494-8101)



The Stand Natural Foods presents: fresh, wholesome, completely vegan, and absolutely nothing artificial (including no added salt or sugar in anything).

While The Stand is not exactly 5-star dining, it is, though, a cozy little fast-food joint (near the glorious Pacific ocean, or very close to Laguna Beach) with outdoor-seating and with more menu items than you can count. (In fact, so many it may be hard to decide what to get! It was hard for me at least!)

And the food is downright fabulous. Taking only a handful of vegan ingredients, such as avocados, refried beans, hummus, salsa, brown rice, fresh veggies, and whole wheat breads and tortillas, The Stand knocks out literally hundreds of items (from sandwiches to burritos to rice bowls to tamales to lip-smacking dips, and much more!). The Stand is sure please just about any hungry patron's discriminating palate.

There's also fresh juices and smoothies. Simple Beach food.

At The Stand, Life is good. And things are just the way they should be.

Our lunch for the day: Humus Avocado Delight Sandwhich with Barley Soup

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